MetasddTrader ERP


your entire broker operations

What is MetaTrader ERP?

Comprehensive solution for financial brokers, integrating all aspects of their business operations into one centralized platform.

From back-office management to front-end trading platforms, MetaTrader ERP provides a comprehensive suite of tools that can help you manage your business more efficiently and effectively. With its powerful reporting and analytics features, you'll have real-time visibility into your brokerage's performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

With MetaTrader ERP, you can automate your client onboarding and account management processes, freeing up your staff to focus on more high-value tasks. You can also streamline your trading operations, with advanced order management features and automated risk management tools that help you minimize risk and maximize profitability.

MetaTrader ERP can help you take your business to the next level. With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, you'll have everything you need to succeed in the fast-paced world of Financial Industries.

Financial Brokers using MetaTrader ERP benefit from:

  • Streamlined and automated workflow processes.

  • Increased efficiency and productivity.

  • Improved customer experience and satisfaction.

  • More accurate and reliable data collection and analysis.

  • Easier integration of new services and features.

  • Improved scalability and flexibility.

  • Reduced operational costs.

  • Real-time risk management.

  • Increased visibility and control over all aspects of the business.

  • Improved decision-making capabilities.

MetaTrader ERP integrates Broker operations

Digitalise and increase the efficiency of your financial brokerage business operations

Business Intelligence
Increased visibility and control over all aspects of the business.
Increased efficiency and productivity
Improved customer experience and management
Accurate and reliable data collection and analysis
Improved scalability and flexibility
Reduced operational costs and human error
Real-time risk management
Improved decision-making capabilities

Business Intelligence (BI) reporting

Interactive and real-time reports on financial statements and corporate processes reporting capabilities that provide valuable insights into the performance of the business.

Streamlined Workflow

Eliminate complexity and bureaucracy of the work environment with efficient automated systems.

Designed to Adapt

MetaTrader ERP is designed to be scalable, so it can grow with your business as it expands.

Official Accounting

Automated cashflow management integrated with official accounting and cost, budget and credit management.

Optimize client relationship

Manage customer and business partners and sync internal and external communications via Chat, Email, VoIP, Members portal and forum.

Remote employee management

Coordinate telecommuting of teams and evaluate employee productivity with real-time monitoring and reporting.

Automate task monitoring

Assign tasks, track progress and trace responsibility workflow.

Regulatory reporting

Automate data traceability management and process reporting suitable for regulatory and other compliance.

Eliminate paperwork

Electronic document management and collaboration with permission rights of access control, suitable categorization and version control.

Integrate your Business with Teamyar!


MetaTrader ERP is a software solution that combines various business functions into one unified platform for financial brokers. It provides a range of features and tools for client management, financial management, risk management, reporting and analytics, and integration with the MetaTrader platform. This comprehensive system enables financial brokers to automate, streamline, and manage their operations more efficiently and effectively.

The main features of MetaTrader ERP include:

  • Client management: Provides tools for managing client accounts, including onboarding, documentation, and communication.
  • Financial management: Supports the management of financial transactions and operations, such as accounting, payments, and settlements.
  • Risk management: Helps to minimize financial risks by monitoring and managing exposure to various financial instruments.
  • Reporting and analytics: Generate real-time reports and analytics to help brokers make informed business decisions.
  • Integration with MetaTrader: Seamless integration with the MetaTrader platform to streamline operations and reduce manual errors.

MetaTrader ERP helps financial brokers by improving their operational efficiency and productivity, reducing manual errors, and providing real-time insights and analytics to help make informed business decisions. The system automates and streamlines key processes, such as client management, financial management, and risk management, freeing up brokers to focus on growing their businesses and serving their clients.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each brokerage. The software is flexible and scalable, allowing brokers to add or modify features and functionality as needed to meet the changing needs of their business.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP integrates with other systems and software as needed, including the MetaTrader platform. This integration ensures a seamless flow of data between systems, reducing manual errors and improving operational efficiency.

MetaTrader ERP uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect sensitive client and business information. The software includes robust encryption, access controls, and backup and recovery procedures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data.

Yes, our team provides comprehensive support and training to ensure that clients can effectively use and maximize the benefits of MetaTrader ERP. We offer ongoing support and training to ensure clients have the resources they need to get the most out of the software, including access to a dedicated support team, online training resources, and user forums.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make it easy for financial brokers to manage their operations efficiently. The software also includes comprehensive training and support resources to ensure that users can effectively utilize its features and capabilities.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing financial brokers to manage their operations from any location. This gives brokers the flexibility to work from the office, at home, or while on the go.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP provides real-time updates on financial transactions and operations, allowing financial brokers to make informed decisions in real time. The software's real-time analytics and reporting capabilities provide real-time insights into the health and performance of the brokerage.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP includes a range of reporting and analytics tools to help financial brokers generate reports on various aspects of their operations, such as client management, financial management, and risk management. These reports can be customized to meet the specific needs of each brokerage, providing valuable insights into the performance of the business.

MetaTrader ERP includes a range of risk management tools to help financial brokers minimize their exposure to financial risks. The software monitors and manages exposure to various financial instruments, helping to reduce the impact of market fluctuations on the brokerage's financial health. The risk management tools in MetaTrader ERP provide real-time insights into potential risks, allowing financial brokers to make informed decisions to minimize risk.

Yes, MetaTrader ERP includes a range of tools for managing client activities and transactions, including client account management, onboarding, documentation, and communication. The software provides real-time updates on client transactions and activities, allowing financial brokers to manage their operations more efficiently and effectively.

Hear from integrated clients

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The real-time analytics and reporting capabilities of MetaTrader ERP have been a game-changer for our financial management. We now have a much clearer picture of our financial health, and we're able to make informed decisions that positively impact our bottom line.

- A.J
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

The client management tools in MetaTrader ERP have made it much easier for us to manage our relationships with clients. The software has helped us to provide better service and support, which has led to increased client satisfaction and retention.

- K.J
Head of Client Services
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